Monday, June 13, 2016

6 step To get more traffic on Youtube

How To Get More Vews Youtube

Many people have become well-known, or even famous, because of their YouTube videos. But for every YouTube celebrity, there are thousands of people who have trouble getting views. If you want to get more views on your YouTube videos, then you have to not only make an amazing video, but you also have to know how to describe and share your creation. Using good descriptions, sharing your video with tons of people, and making sure your video looks great are a few ways to propel your video into the YouTube stratosphere.

Video Descriptions
 First impressions are everything
The thumbnails you create for each video are more important than you think. It’s the first thing people will see when they search for your videos, so it needs to have the “click-worthy” value. In other words, make it appealing. YouTube automatically gives you three thumbnail options to choose from when you upload a video, but it you feel you need something catchier, customize and upload your own. It goes a long way.

 Think over your title and video description
Your title is clearly important for intriguing viewers, but it can also improve your search results. The very first term should be relevant, such as a keyword and you should follow that with what is featured in the video, building a keyword phrase. While your title should be clear and concise, the video description is where you can go a little more in depth. The description can include a keyword phrase, your URL, and a mini-post that briefly describes the content of your video.

 Create a Custom Background Image
Compliment your content with a clean channel design. Your background image can also invite viewers, so apart from the theme and color options YouTube offers, you can also upload your own background image, helping you to stand out from the crowd.

 Make Your Best Video Featured
YouTube automatically shows your most recent video in the main “Featured” window on your channel page. For users that post regularly, this is ideal, but for those that post less, sometimes a better option is selecting another video to occupy that slot.

Here’s how: Go to your “My Channel” settings and select “Video and Playlists.” Using the dropdown “Featured Video” menu, you can choose a video from the list.

 Add Channel Tags
Tag away! This is as fundamental as tagging your videos with keywords. You’ll bring the viewers to you and can find this on your settings option on the My Channel menu.

 Pay Attention to Comments
Engage with your audience. Take the time to read your channel comments as well as those posted on your videos and be sure to respond. Remember; clean up if you have to. Delete or report spam comments, if not, it come off as if you may be ignoring your channel.

 Recent Activity is a win-win situation
Show what you’ve been up to on YouTube lately. If you like or favorite a video on YouTube, this action will show up in your “Recent Activity” as well as the “Recent Activity” box of the content creator.

It’s a simple way to make YouTube contacts, and it may bring viewers to your page. Video owners who’ve been liked or favorited are more likely to click through to take a look at your content in return.

 Users like playlists

Create playlists of your videos instead of having a series of separate videos. Start with your most popular or recent videos to get your fans interested, and then let them sift through new and old material.

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